У вас есть вопрос по рекламе в интернете и раскрутке сайтов? Задайте его здесь и вам ответят. Вы уже всё знаете? Помогите тем, кто знает пока не всё. Правила форума|
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Используют данные тулбара Google. Для небольших сайтов (возможно мало туда народу с баром ходит) данных нет. Используют данные Google Analytics и данные поиска Гугла.
Для тех, что есть - не размечена вертикальная ось - ось ординат (обычно на графиках обозначается буквой Y), соответственно можно сравнивать только относительные (во времени - по горизонтали отложено время) изменения посещаемости. Это логично - абсолютные данные точными не будут.
Можно посмотреть на какие ещё сайты ходят посетители и какие поисковые запросы они делали. Можно узнать, из каких регионов пришли посетители. Внутри России показывают субрегионы - области, внутри США - штаты.
Также можно сравнивать до 5 сайтов сразу (домены в форме запроса нужно разделить запятыми).
About Google Trends for Websites
Using Google Trends for Websites
Information for Website Owners
About Google Trends for Websites
With Google Trends for Websites, you can get insights into the traffic and geographic visitation patterns of your favorite websites. You can compare data for up to five websites and view related sites and top searches for each one.
1. How does Google Trends for Websites work?
When you enter the address of a website into the search box, Trends for Websites shows you a graph reflecting the number of daily unique visitors (the number of people who visit a website) to that website. You can see these numbers on the graph after you've signed into your Google Account. Under the graph, you'll also see a list of regions where visitors originated from, other websites that they have also visited, and terms they have also searched for.
2. How is the data in Trends for Websites generated?
Trends for Websites combines information from a variety of sources, such as aggregated Google search data, aggregated opt-in anonymous Google Analytics data, opt-in consumer panel data, and other third-party market research. The data is aggregated over millions of users, powered by computer algorithms, and doesn't contain personally identifiable information. Additionally, Google Trends for Websites only shows results for sites that receive a significant amount of traffic, and enforces minimum thresholds for inclusion in the tool. For more information about how Google protects privacy, please refer to our privacy policy.
3. How often is the data updated?
The information provided by Trends for Websites is refreshed periodically to keep the data relevant. The data in the three columns under the main graph is based on the last 30 days since our most recent data update.
4. How accurate is the information provided by Trends for Websites?
Although Trends for Websites is a Google Labs product, we'll keep working to improve our estimates over time.
5. When will this tool be available for other countries or languages?
Currently, Trends for Websites is only available in English. We hope to roll out the tool into other languages in the future.
Using Google Trends for Websites
6. What are the different components of Trends for Websites?
The data depicted on the main graph reflects unique visitors, or the number of people who visit a website in a one day period.
Under the Regions column, the data reflects the percentage of visitors to the website from each geographic region.
The Also visited and Also searched for columns depict correlation, showing other websites and other search terms that the site's visitors are likely to visit and search for.
7. How many websites can I compare at one time?
You can compare up to 5 websites at one time. Use a comma in between each website to separate them. It isn't necessary to include the www prefix, but be sure to include the domain (such as .com or .net).
8. How can I view data for a specific country or time frame?
Once you've entered in a website, you'll see a graph and a list of related websites and search terms. Using the drop-down menu right above the graph, you can narrow the data down by region or time frame.
9. How is the data ranked?
The data is ranked by the first website you've entered into the search box. This means that the list of regions where visitors came from, other sites they visited, and search terms those visitors have in common, are all ranked according to your first website's data.
To change how the data is ranked, use the drop-down menu next to Ranked by:
10. Are all websites included?
No. Not all websites are included in Trends for Websites. The following types of websites may not appear in the tool:
Websites with low traffic volume below our threshold
Websites that don't wish to be indexed by Google and have indicated their preference through a robots.txt exclusion file
Websites that don't adhere to our Quality Guidelines
Other websites for miscellaneous reasons
11. Is it possible to see results for part of a website?
No. At this time, Trends for Websites will only show results for websites at the domain level. If you enter a subdomain such as subdomain.example.com into the search box, it will be converted to example.com instead.
12. Can I export the data?
The ability to export the data isn't available at this time.
13. Can I use the information I find on Google Trends for Websites?
You're free to use any of the information you find on Trends for Websites for your own purposes, but before you do, check out our Terms of Use. If you choose to use the information, please make sure to appropriately attribute it to Google
Information for Website Owners
14. My website doesn't appear on Trends for Websites. Is there a way to include my site?
At this time, it isn't possible to request inclusion of your site into Trends for Websites; there may be several reasons why your website isn't appearing. Read Are all websites included? for more information.
15. My website's information in Trends for Websites doesn't match my own data. Why?
It's important to keep in mind that all results from Trends for Websites are estimated. Moreover, the data is updated periodically, so recent changes in traffic data may not be reflected. Finally, keep in mind that Trends for Websites is a Google Labs product, so it's still in its early stages of development and may therefore contain some inaccuracies. In the future, we may consider ways to improve the accuracy of Trends for Websites by allowing owners to contribute additional data from their sites.
16. How are you using Google Analytics data?
The Google Analytics data in Trends for Websites comes from the anonymous opt-in data sharing setting in Google Analytics. This setting enables website owners to share their data in an anonymous form. To find out more about this setting, please read the FAQs related to Google Analytics Data Sharing. Individual site level information from Google Analytics isn't currently used in Trends for Websites. Instead, the Google Analytics data is used in an anonymous and aggregate fashion and combined with other data sources to calibrate macro-level insights into website traffic patterns, site visitation across geographies, and related websites and searches.
17. I don't want my website listed. Is there a way to remove it from Trends for Websites?
No, the option to remove your website isn't available at this time. In the future, we may consider ways to improve the accuracy of Trends for Websites by allowing owners to contribute additional data from their sites. In the meantime, please note that your content won't appear on Trends for Websites if - using methods such as the Robots Exclusion Protocol - you've already prevented your content from appearing in Google's search results.